En este blog encontras información de los eventos clases simultaneas torneos del ajedrez de nuestro club ubicado en Av Lafinur 940 a pasos del Diario de la Republica.
Hi, This is Glenn Wilson, the creator of ChessFlash. Thanks for using ChessFlash. Your blog looks great! One small change in how you use ChessFlash could help it look even better.
I noticed that your ChessFlash background color does not match your post background color. Your post background color is 141414 but ChessFlash is using a different background color.
The next time your publish a game with ChessFlash if you enter 141414 for the Background Color Override I think you will like the effect -- it will blend in better. See http://chessflash.com/pgnviewerfaq.html for more information. Regards, Glenn
ResponderEliminarThis is Glenn Wilson, the creator of ChessFlash. Thanks for using ChessFlash. Your blog looks great! One small change in how you use ChessFlash could help it look even better.
I noticed that your ChessFlash background color does not match your post background color. Your post background color is 141414 but ChessFlash is using a different background color.
The next time your publish a game with ChessFlash if you enter 141414 for the Background Color Override I think you will like the effect -- it will blend in better. See http://chessflash.com/pgnviewerfaq.html for more information.